In Hong Kong
How mobile learning is affecting the education in Hong Kong?
It is getting more and more popular to engage students in learning by mobile devices. Hong Kong is no exception. Many local schools are now promoting mobile learning to enhance students’ motivation in learning.

The following are some examples of mobile learning in Hong Kong:

1. A case of one-on-one digital ink eBag with eBooks:
Click here to access

2. The use of Tablet PC in education – individual learning device
Click here to access

3. Mobile learning workshops
Click here to access


Worldwide experiences

SMS for learning

“The cellphone goes to Asian classrooms

Schools get the message on using cellphone as tool”:

Using eBooks

Textbooks Offered for iPod, iPhones”: 


Adding value through podcasting”:

Class interaction

Handhelds in Feltham – An Evaluation”:


Educational games

Game Based Learning 2010”:;topicseen#new